In-Person Competitions
Join us at our in-person shows this year! Our in person shows will have classes for all disciplines and levels and are designed to be welcoming and supportive for all. Stay tuned, our in-person events will be announced shortly!
Virtual Competitions
Do you want to set goals and compete with your horse from the convenience of your home or local riding location? Join us for our spring and fall virtual competition circuit! Each circuit will include a liberty, bridleless, game, and freestyle competition.
At YELO, our goal is to show that anything you can do with a halter and bridle, you can do at liberty and bridleless! We offer a wide variety of classes, from games and freestyles to liberty and bridleless patterns.
YELO patterns are designed to align with the discipline standards. Patterns will be released January 5th!
We offer both timed events & judged events. Timed events are judged by how fast you can complete various games and pattern classes are judged on the quality of your pattern and horsemanship. ​Our judging criteria will be available for viewing on January 5th!
Rules & Regulations
YELO offers four divisions:
Youth age 12 and Under
Youth age 13-17
Youth at Heart age 18-49
Youth at Heart 50+
Our rulebook will be available for viewing on January 5th!